Working It Out.

This is the brutality we suffered at the hands of our trainer last night.  Give it a whirl if you feel up to it.  You’ll sweat like a mofo and your jeans will be too big the next day.  Bonus!

Thursday, 8/15 Workout

Note: Each “set” is done 3 times through with no resting between each exercise. Do the designated number of reps for each exercise in the set in order, and then repeat 3 times.  Once you have gone through the series of exercises 3 times, move on to the next set.

Warm-up: 5 minutes on the Elliptical on level 8

Set 1

  1. 30 walking lunges with dumbells raised (15 reps anterior hold; 15 reps lateral hold) – 5 pounds in each hand
  2. 20 push-ups with 2 second hold at the bottom
  3. Side to side hops for 30 seconds
  4. Forward/backward hops for 30 seconds

Set 2

  1. 30 Bent-over rows on pulley machine (15 reps per arm) – 15 pounds
  2. 30 Plie squats with kettlebell swing (15 reps per arm) – 15 pounds
  3. High knees for 30 seconds
  4. Jumping jacks for 30 seconds

Set 3

  1. 15 chest press on pulley machine – 15 pounds
  2. 24 sideways walking lunges
  3. 30 planks with hand slaps – this is assuming you have a workout partner – if not, do hand raises

Looking fab is clearly a must, and these shoes are pretty darn fab, right?!

pink nikes

Working It Out.

Feeling very sore today after last night’s workout.  I have such a love/hate relationship with being sore.  Don’t we all?  Here’s what our Trainer put us through last night.

Tuesday 8/13 Workout

Note: Each “set” is done 3 times through with no resting between each exercise. Do the designated number of reps for each exercise in the set in order, and then repeat 3 times.  Once you have gone through the series of exercises 3 times, move on to the next set.

Warm-up: 5 minutes on the Elliptical on level 8

Set 1

  1. 15 Lat pull-downs seated on the machine – 25 pounds
  2. 24 Reverse lunges, alternating legs, with 1 plié squat between each lunge
  3. High knees for 30 seconds
  4. 40 Standing bicycles

Set 2

  1. 15 Plié squats with reverse shoulder press with straight bar – 20 pounds
  2. 30 Plank with forward arm extensions
  3. Side to side hops for 30 seconds

Set 3

  1. 15 Rows on the pulley machine – 25 pounds
  2. 15 Push-ups
  3. 20 Bridges
  4. Bicycles for 30 seconds

Set 4

  1. 24 Forward/walking lunges
  2. 15 Bicep Curls on the pulley machine – 20 pounds
  3. Plank for 30 seconds

If you need some motivation:

perfect body

strong is new skinny she believed she could  when you feel like quittingonly one workout away

Working It Out. Last Week’s Moves.

Last week was crazy busy, and we were only able to get 1 workout in with our devilish trainer.  Here is the routine he put us through on Thursday.

Thursday 8/8 Workout

Note: Each “set” is done 3 times through with no resting between each exercise. Do the designated number of reps for exercises 1-4 in order, and then repeat.  Once you have gone through the series of exercises 3 times, move on to the next set.

Warm-up: 5 minutes on the Elliptical on level 8

Set 1

  1. 24 Lunges holding dumbbell over your head – 7.5 pounds
  2. 30 Front and Lateral shoulder raises (alternating) – 5 pounds in each hand
  3. Jumping jacks for 30 seconds
  4. Plank with 30 side-to side twists

Set 2

  1. 15 Chest Flys on machine – 30 pounds
  2. 15 push-ups
  3. 15 Plié squats into upright row w/dumbbells – 12.5 pounds in each hand
  4. Bicycle sit-ups for 30 seconds

Set 3

  1. 15 Reverse Deltoid Flys on machine – 30 pounds
  2. 15 Bent over rows w/dumbbells – 12.5 pounds in each hand
  3. 24 Sideways lunges
  4. 25 toe-touch sit-ups

To get you off your couch:

for life not looks a lot of little steps may not be there yet but closer than yesterday no matter how slow you go

Working It Out – Thursday’s Trainer Moves

Happy Friday!  This was a long week.  It’s tough to come back to work after a week’s vacation.  But I survived, and next week will surely be easier.  Here is the routine my trainer put us through last night.  Bust a move, everyone!

Thursday’s Workout – 8/1

Note: Each “set” is done 3 times through with no resting between each exercise. Do the designated number of reps for exercises 1-4 in order, then repeat.  Once you have gone through the series of exercises 3 times, move on to the next set.

Warm-up: 5 minutes on the Elliptical on level 8

Set #1

  1. 15 plié squats with shoulder press using Straight Bar – 20 pounds
  2. 15 leg extensions on machine with 1 second pause at top – 50 pounds
  3. Planks with 30 alternating sideways hand raises
  4. Forward/backward hops for 30 seconds

 Set #2

  1. 15 upright rows using Straight Bar – 20 pounds
  2. 15 bicep curls using Straight Bar – 20 pounds
  3. 15 hamstring curls on machine with 1 second pause at top – 50 pounds
  4. Side to side hops for 30 seconds

 Set #3

  1. 15 chest press on pulley machine – 25 pounds
  2. Alternating walking lunges with 4 standing bicycle reps after every two lunges
  3. Pogo hops for 30 seconds
  4. Planks with 40 hand slaps w/partner

To get you moving:

suck it up now

everything you need is insidedon't quit suffer now live as champion