Oh My Bride.


Oh My Bride

Dying, absolutely dying at the image of this bride in Oscar de la Renta. Remember this dress? Everyone and their mother has pinned it at some point. And then this awesome chick picked it as her wedding dress. Bravo, random bride, bravo. So fresh and so cool.

Image via stylemepretty

Weekend Cooking Plans

We’re heading out of town on Tuesday, so I don’t want to get too crazy in the kitchen this weekend since nobody will be around to eat the leftovers.  And that would be a crying shame (assuming they’re awesome).  I am super excited about this week’s Spaghetti Sunday recipe…Spicy Turkey Sausage Pasta.  If it turns out as good as it sounds, the Husb is going to flip.  I’m also making these cool looking peanut butter/chocolate cookies that look like ying yangs.  Remember ying yangs from when we were kids?  I’m really going through a throwback phase this morning between the Wagoneer and the ying yangs.  I’ll let everyone know how things taste! TGIF.

Wedges That Will Change Your Life

All wedges are comfortable.  Everyone knows that.  But, these wedges take it to a whole new level.  I wear them all day long, and there’s basically nothing I can’t do in them.  Watch out world!  And not only do they score major points in the comfort category, I get stopped on the street at least 3 times/day by strangers asking what brand of wedges I’m wearing.  I’m always surprised by this, I mean Tom’s has been on the wedge scene for several years now, but whatever, I’ll take the compliment. I highly suggest you book it to your nearest Nordies and get yourself a pair.  Plus, you’re being charitable.  That’s what nerds call a “win, win”.
